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As we all know the pandemic has been and still around but the SS staff team got together for the first time since early 2020 for a staff training session.

We feel people have been working really well individually but team working has maybe been lost a little. So we are embarking on an internal training programme of Effective Workplace team working. Simon Kirkland is leading the training supported by our management and leadership tutors; Richard Cooper, Sarina Haddock and Joanne Collins.

Our last staff meeting explored individual profiling to understand ourselves and others, the second session this last week was exploring team roles and the benefits of team working, how to build a workplace team and how people will seek to work even more effectively together. All staff made pledges to improve team working and these will be part of their progress meeting discussions with line managers.

The next session in November will explore high performing teams and the characteristics of dysfunctional teams.

The other benefit of the session last week was to introduce some of the new staff starting in the coming month as our team grows towards thirty people.