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Sport Structures were commissioned to support Badminton England in the development of their workforce audit and development plan linked to the needs of the sport as identified in their whole sport plan. The plan was to cover professional staff, volunteers and coaches.


The project was divided into three phases; Design, Analyse and Report.

The design phase incorporated an initial desk based requirement to identify the level of audit information available concerning Badminton England workforce. This data led to an initial assessment on the level of information held regarding the level of skill within the workforce, the level of training received, training requirements and skills gaps.

It was felt necessary to conduct a workforce audit in order to develop a training needs analysis. The audit involved the design and distribution of two audit surveys for key workforce groups;

  • The general workforce including central staff, county volunteers and club volunteers etc
  • The coaching workforce including paid and volunteer coaches of all levels

The surveys were adapted from a form developed by Skills Active to suit the needs of Badminton England, final versions were approved and developed into online surveys, with accompanying word and PDF downloads.

Badminton England was responsible for promoting the circulation and completion of the surveys, respondents were approached through key personnel, direct email and the Badminton England website.

The responses were collated and analysed to draw out the key issues. Qualitative questions requiring an open response were analysed through an experienced coding process whilst quantitative data proceeded through a combination of statistical analysis through SPSS and geographical analysis through Mapinfo providing raw data.

The findings from raw data produced by the surveys and the training needs analysis were collated to identify skills gaps and form an organisational needs summary.

In order to ensure ‘buy in’ and ownership a facilitative session was held with key staff and volunteers to draw out any issues not covered within the organisational needs summary and to develop the workforce strategy.

Following the facilitation session all information was compiled to produce a report. This report concludes the audit and training needs analysis of the Badminton England workforce. The production of this report supported and shaped the development of an overall Badminton England Workforce strategy.


The final workforce plan gave Badminton England a clear framework for future workforce development as well as giving a framework for the Regional and County staff to develop relationships with the County Sport Partnerships they work with.