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Sport Structures were commissioned by British Taekwondo back in November 2016 to provide insight into the current Para-Taekwondo landscape. Investigations were required into why disabled people do not participate, the barriers and perceptions of the sport along with establishing the needs, motivators and enablers. There was also a requirement to explore the key partners and stakeholders in disability sport to understand the most effective route to market.


The aim of gaining the above insight was to create an action plan for Para-Taekwondo in order to encourage growth in Taekwondo participation of disabled people. This action plan was created based on information gathered through focus groups (with current participants, non-participants, and instructors), disability sport stakeholder interviews, an online survey of instructors and desk based research. Each of the methods provided a variety of views and opinions that helped to shape the key objectives needing to be met by the action plan.


The findings clearly highlighted the need for increased awareness of para-Taekwondo both internally and externally, as well as coach education for those instructors who currently have disabled athletes and those wanting to open their doors to all. This was reflected in the action plan that was created for the next 4 years and will shape the progression of Para-Taekwondo moving forward.